Entrepreneurship among the Alumni


Early Employee
Board Member

(in any of these four roles)

Age and Entrepreneurship

Number of Alumni by Year of Birth
Number of Alumni by Age at First Venture

Demographics and Entrepreneurship


Experience and Entrepreneurship

Involvement in
U.Va. Entrepreneurship Activities
Involvement in
Innovation-related Activities
Job Experience
in Small Organizations

Education and Entrepreneurship

Last Degree Obtained
Field of Last Degree

Number of Alumni by Number of Ventures Created
among Family or Friends

For details about this survey, please see our main report.

Note that for this visualization we excluded the observations that have no data about birth year, gender, state of residency at matriculation, or race/ethnicity. Such non-responses were not systematic (that is, they were not biased in any particular direction), hence this exclusion does not alter the distributions of any of the variables in any significant way but makes the visulization cleaner.

Observations in the main dataset: 22,757
Observations in the dataset used here: 16,247