Some definitions below use the term denom, which is Davis-Haltiwanger-Schuh (DHS) denominator. For time t, denom is the average of employment for times t and t-1.
- Establishment entry rate
- 100 * (estabs_entry at time t divided by the average of estabs at t and t-1). Here estabs is a simple count of the number of establishments and estabs_entry is a count of establishments born during the last 12 months.
- Establishment exit rate
- 100 * (estabs_exit at time t divided by the average of estabs at t and t-1). Here estabs is a simple count of the number of establishments and estabs_exit is a count of establishments exiting during the last 12 months.
- Job creation rate: all firms
- 100 * (Count of all jobs created over the last 12 months / denom)
- Job creation rate: new firms
- 100 * (Count of jobs created by establishment births over the last 12 months / denom)
- Job destruction rate: all firms
- 100 * (Count of all jobs destroyed over the last 12 months / denom)
- Job destruction rate: exiting firms
- 100 * (Count of jobs destroyed by establishment exit over the last 12 months / denom)
- Net job creation rate
- job_creation_rate - job_destruction_rate